developed by Pôle Aquinetic

Project description
Open source Bordeaux-based company cluster Aquinetic is developing 4 new projects based on the Open Motors platform. The idea of creating an autonomous connected vehicle for agriculture, and three different types of city-cars from car-sharing to tourism has been presented for the first time by Aquinetic in Paris at the Mozilla Foundation on October 7th, 2014. By involving companies specialized in open source software, the collaboration between Aquinetic and Open Motors seems a natural fit.

Q&A with Jean-Christophe Elineau
Jean-Christophe, can you present yourself?
My names is JC , I am 42 years old. I have a true passion for new technologies and I am in charge of the regional free software cluster, called Aquinetic.
What is Aquinetic?
Aquinetic is a nonprofit organization whose purpose is the emergence, fostering, promotion and development of a regional cluster of scientific, technical and industrial know-how on free/libre and open innovation as well as on free/libre technologies.
How did you stumble upon Open Motors?
We met in June 2014 in Paris, during the “Futur en Seine” event. We were already following the project for a few weeks on the web, but we had discovered it thanks to France Television, during the World famous tennis tournament, Roland Garros.
What do you want to do with our platform?
We are working on a few different use cases. The OM platform will allow us to imagine the different aspects of mobility in the future, especially in urban areas and touristic schemes. We are also working on the creation of a fleet dedicated to agricultural needs.
How big is the potential market?
The possible market is huge as we consider to be able to produce a new generation of connected vehicles within reasonable prices. Depending on various use cases, we even have hopes of selling the vehicle on a European scale.
What do you think about Open Motors?
It’s a great project with huge potential. It’s also a new way of thinking the industry of the near future, by involving final customers in the early stage of development. In Aquitaine, we are in love with such an innovative project.
How you see Open Motors in the future?
OM is the vehicle of the future….Long live the modular, connected and easy to maintain vehicles.
What people say about AMPOOL
On social media
Exclusive interview by France Télévision
Open Motors based autonomous vehicle being developed in Bordeaux – France Télévisions 3 – News from Open Motors on Vimeo
Tech specs
- Electric vehicle in L6e and L7e categories
- Status: scale 1:1 model
- Advance concept already developed for road legal approval in Europe and manufacturing
This project can be acquired as a whole (re-brand) or partially by third-parties (different smart cities), and brought to manufacturing, as well as involving OM and pre-approved suppliers.